Tuesday, November 10, 2009


This time we will focus more on editing a script and not so much on design. This workshop will start with a few editing tips for beginners and move on quickly to more advanced techniques.
This workshop is more for the experienced beginner or intermediate level learner. Beginners are welcome - but please try to keep up.

We will schedule workshops that focus on different topics and be directed to different levels. This one is for the in the middle :)

We will start with a pre recorded script and learn some tips for editing to make it more interactive. Starting with a recorded script of your own is much more ideal, since you yourself will be familiar with the steps. But for a workshop environment we will try to save a bit of time. I will provide a pre - recorded script for you to use - or you can record one for yourself - your editing steps will just be a little different.

1 comment:

  1. i am in your monthly group Taggingangelsnscraps

    its kissy

    how do i do the RSVP

